To start your CraftBeerPi v4.0 in Kiosk-mode means you start the Pi and it will only display your dashboard in Fullscreen mode, you can’t really start any other Program, just connect remote with ssh to make and changes. Here we go: The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, or short LXDE, is a Desktop for Raspberry Pi… run your CraftBeerPi v4.0 in Kiosk-mode weiterlesen
Kategorie: RaspberryPi
How to get started with CraftBeerPi v4.0
In this Post I like to show you, how to get started with the CraftBeer Pi in new Version 4.0, like a noob, please keep in mind, this version is in „test“ mode and still in development from the main Coder Manuel Fritsch (by the Way: Thank you Manuel for this great Work, and all… How to get started with CraftBeerPi v4.0 weiterlesen